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Resume Bullets Assignment

Resume Bullets Assignment

Q Resume Review We will provide resume tips and guidance during the beginning of the semester from a number of resources. Students will be required to update their resume with any new tips shared during the class. The resume review process will involve several steps: 1. After attending or replaying the class instruction on writing stronger resume bullets students will complete the Resume Bullet assignment. Submit bullets for a single job to to your understanding of how to write strong bullets. 2. The instructor or GA will review the resume bullets and provide any comments or suggestions which should be incorporated in the full resume. The feedback should be applied to ALL jobs on the resume. Resumes should not be submitted for peer review until the Bullet feedback has been received. 3. Resumes should be edits using the bullet feedback and submitted to the Resume Peer Review Assignment Find your feedback in annotation comments using this guide Use the info from the Class meeting and below to complete this assignment Resumes should tell your story: What you accomplished, what you have learned, and the value you can bring to an organization. Crafting bullets that tell your story take work. You should write bullets that show your accomplishments and impact. You should not just list job duties. Your resume may have bullets that look or sound like this. These are week examples and SHOULD NOT be used. PEE DEE Produce Inc., Greenville, NC July 2017-2020 Produce Manager • Accounts payable • Managed purchase orders • Responsible for pricing • Customer satisfaction Resume bullets should tell what you have contributed, accomplished, or the impact you have made. Bullets should start with an action verb (present tense, current job, past tense for previous jobs). It should use facts, figures, percentages, and results. The reader should immediately know what you accomplished in the role. You do not need to include job duties for work that is understood. Rather, choose to include the positive impact you made. Better Example: job Accomplishments and Impacts PEE DEE Produce Manager, Greenville, NC July 2017-2019 • Managed accounts payable of over one hundred accounts • Reconciled bills of lading, purchase orders, and invoices with payments of over three hundred customer accounts including credit card payments, checks, and cash • Updated invoice pricing weekly due to volatile produce market • Maintained positive relationships, achieving 96% customer retention Your Assignment: Look at your own resume. Using only 1 job: take one of your jobs, craft strong resume bullets and submit those bullets following the advice above: Include facts and figures to show impact. Start each with an action verb. Use as few words as possible to convey meaning. ( It you can delete a word and it doesn't change the meaning, you don't need it) Do not use full sentences. )no periods Do not use pronouns or first person Avoid self-proclaiming statements that can't be verified. (Example: Provided excellent customer service). This is generic, anyone can say it, the adjective of excellent doesn't help to understand,. It is you self-proclaiming. Delete these statements from your resume. Rubric Resume Bullet Rubric Resume Bullet Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomeaccuracy 10 pts Proficient No typos 5 pts Competent 1-2 typos 0 pts Novice 3 or more typos 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExperience 20 pts Proficient Each begins with action verb in appropriate tense No verbs repeated in job Did not use responsible for (etc) 10 pts Competent 1 of the below were not followed: Each begins with action verb in appropriate tense No verbs repeated in job Did not use responsible for (etc) 5 pts Learning 2 of the previous were not follow. 0 pts Novice 3 or more below were not followed Each begins with action verb in appropriate tense No verbs repeated in job Did not use responsible for (etc) 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImpact Statements 20 pts Proficient Had 2 or more impact statements for each job. Nice use of facts and measurements 15 pts Competent Had 1 impact statement for each job (used facts and measures). Answered so or so what for at least one per job 10 pts Learning May have had 1 impact statement but most Statements were job duties and did not show achievement or impact. 0 pts Novice Did not use impact statements 20 pts Total Points: 50

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